Start Mining Instantly (Cloud Mining) Update!

Regarding the mining cloud, I try to update some of the cloud provider's sites or with the mining lease system. Here comes the sites.

Bit Coop
Crypto Thrift
Crypto Rig
Bitcoin For Sale
Bit Mining
Guru Vix
Gryfen Crypto

Butterfly Labs
Group Bitcoin
Bitcoin Cloud Mining
Bitcoin Hashing
Mimo Cloud
Hash Rack
Cloud Mint
Bit Servers
Virtual Mining
Bitcoin Frenzy
Bitcoin Asic Hosting
Coining Solutions

Fyuhhh... Finally finished the update separately ...

Are you happy with the sites on which so much?  

Yeah .. Here you do not need long-long search for a site by one cloud mining Bitcoin mining contract or lease, or Litecoin Altcoin other. 

Still visit this blog regularly.




Excellent list!! You have saved me hours of research

I try to make things easy, thanks :)

The links no longer work - thankfully - as one of the sites you have listed scammed me out of 1.858 BTC for a rig that was never shipped. I believe there was never an intention by the web site operator to ship items - just steal the non- reversible transaction BTC sent as payment.

Mining Bitcoin
